Instant Lifting Treatment

Exclusive Treatment method that lifts features by building muscle tone and rejuvenates the appearance of the face.
A genuine alternative to Aesthetic Medicine that immediately acts on signs of skin ageing.

Facial features are lifted and contours resculpted.

With age, we tend to use our facial muscles less frequently, causing the skin to lose its tone and contours to slacken. To maintain a youthful body, physical exercise is highly recommended. However, to maintain a youthful face, the muscles must be stimulated to revive their activity and lift facial features.

Anti-ageing tissue draining
Decongests the lymph system and refines facial features.

Muscle Stimulation
Stimulates muscle activity with an immediate lifting effect on the skin.

Massage using Essential Oils
Adapted to the different beauty goal, Essential Oils release their beneficial properties and beauty-enhancing energy into the heart of the skin.

As an intensive Treatment, 1 session per week for 3 weeks.
As an intensive global rejuvenating Treatment (1 Age Repair / 1 CatioVital Youth / 1 CatioVital Lifting): 1 Treatment per week for 3 weeks.

Skin Type :

All types, Normal skin, Tired skin


50 - 60 minutes

Treatment type :

Salon Face Care Treatments